Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hazy Harbor

Hazy Harbor
Oil on canvas
40,5x33 cm

Wow, it's been a while now! I just finished off my year of being an intern at an architect firm and I really haven't had the time to focus on painting for a longer time while working full time. But now its summertime and that means back to business!

I am posting one of the paintings I've finished in the last couple of months above, just to prove that I haven't been away from painting completely. It is a harbor in my neighborhood, sort of. Had a lot of fun painting the reflections of the sun in the water (yes it is daytime but with the indigo could also be night). And I like it when the red underpainting shows through.

Yesterday I invested in new art supplies and got myself some new canvas that should result in at least four new paintings. Bought some new oilpaint as well, Sap Green, Cinnabar Green Light and Phtalo Turquoise Blue.

In process of mounting the canvases on the frames.. or what is the word for the kind of frame you wrap the canvas around?

And here is the final result, four canvases ready to be painted on!